International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
25 November 2024
Castle Group’s Perera Foundation will assist HER House to cover operational costs of thewomen’s refuge – including rent, utilities, along with resources and support services to women and children in North West Sydney.
Castle Group Founder and Managing Director, Ritchie Perera said, “We’re very happy to support HER House for another year. Domestic violence is an important issue and I’ve made sure it continues to be an area of focus for the Perera Foundation.” According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), one woman was killed every 11 days by an intimate partner in 2022–23.
Mr Perera added, “The statistics around family violence are shocking and it can affect any family – no matter where they live, their household income or education. Our ongoing support for HER House shows our commitment to making a positive and lasting impact in communities.”

CEO and Co- Founder of the Harman Foundation, Harinder Kaur OAM said, “HER House was set up on the belief that every woman deserves a safe place to rebuild her life. Castle Group’s support truly allows us to keep HER House’s doors open for vulnerable women, and provide women with the safety, empowerment and hope they need.”
The Harman Foundation offers a network of free support services that address a wide range of individual and community needs.
External support services for HER House are available at 1800 65 64 63 for women in need.